With quick and easy financing options, you may have the best trading experience possible without paying more.
One Of Our Most Significant Responsibilities Is To Serve You Responsibly. T o Maintain The Greatest Degree Of Security Possible, Our Trading Platform Uses Some Of The Most Sophisticated A nd Stringent Processes. While Dealing With Our Organisation, Every Client Should Feel Certain That His Money And Personal Information Are Kept Private.
A Broker Has A Variety Of Options For Increasing Your Security. These Are The Key Measures We Take To Ensure Your Safety.
Open live AccountLeading the way in online trading globally, Indie Capital Market specialises in FX, commodities, spot metals, US and UK stock derivatives, and index trading.Our strategy has always included superior trading conditions, customer service, and client fund protection.
Indie Capital Market decided to work with just the biggest international banks. The firm is able to supply liquidity through major banks because of the power and international recognition of the Indie Capital Marke brand.
Money from clients is deposited into bank accounts that are distinct from the business's bank accounts. In the unusual event that the company defaults, these monies are not included on the balance sheet and cannot be utilised to reimburse creditors.
Market volatility is a common occurrence. The negative balance protection policy of Indie Capital Market guarantees that no client is obligated to repay a negative amount, even in very volatile circumstances where margin calls and stopouts malfunction.
The business continuously recognises, evaluates, and keeps an eye on every kind of risk related to its operations. This entails continuously evaluating how well the plans, agreements, and practises in place enable the business to readily meet its capital requirements and financial demands at all times.
Over The Weekends, Our Withdrawals Are Processed Instantly Without Any Intervention.
Make wise decisions by using Indie Capital Market extraordinary breadth of data and insights.
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